Why You Should Outsource Marketing and SEO to Professionals

February 6, 2025

As a business owner, you probably understand the importance of SEO and having a great online marketing strategy. You probably also realize that it is complicated and time consuming if you are not an expert. As with any aspect of running a business there are things that can be hired out and marketing and SEO management are two big things that are better handled by the experts.

Marketing and SEO are skills that take years to master, and they are ever evolving, making it harder to play catch-up if you don’t have enough time to devote to learning them. So, if you are a savvy business owner who wants to get the most out of your marketing and SEO, outsourcing is the smart move to make!

Why Should You Outsource Marketing?

How long are you spending creating and executing a marketing plan? How much of that time could be spent working with clients? Every business aims to have an income that is greater that their expenses, and that may not be possible when you’re dedicating every free minute you have to an area that is not your expertise. Often, the perceived money saved by doing your own marketing activities is actually more costly that hiring due to the lost opportunities that you would have had time for had you not been struggling to complete the important marketing tasks.

A great way to decide if you’re ready to change it up is to get a marketing audit and discover if you’re marketing strategy is doing what it should and getting the results that you need.

Why Should You Outsource SEO?

Unless SEO is your specialty, you probably suffer from SEO induced anxiety each time you update your website content. Proper SEO implementation can make or break a small business. 

Website SEO is a tricky business, and there are THOUSANDS of articles/courses/books trying to explain how to implement SEO in your website copy. With all of this information that often is teaching slightly different methods it is extremely difficult to determine what will work without a little trial and error when doing it alone. 

If you outsource your website SEO, you won’t have that problem. Outsourcing to a pro ensures that your website gets the attention and fresh eyes it needs to succeed. An SEO professional will know how to discover, place, and target primary and alternative keywords to find your target audience when searched. 

Website SEO goes beyond targeted keywords; it requires on-page and off-page optimization, back-linking, alt-attributes, meta-tags, and more. Piecing it together on your own is fine but might not create the results you’re aiming for. In this situation, a little help can go a long way.

Both marketing and SEO are so critical to business success. In the beginning of your business, it may be necessary to DIY these things but as soon as budget allows you should get these items off of your plate and onto a professional.

Book A Complimentary Discovery Call

Choose a date and time that works the best for you, via the calendar below! 

Danielle has over 30 years in Marketing, IT, and Network design, development, and workforce leadership training. She has helped hundreds of small businesses maximize extra revenue streams, and has created a process for extracting an ROI from an ROE in training and development which is currently being used in over 100+ corporations.

Danielle LaFleur



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