Why You Need to Keep Your Website Current Even if Business is Booming

October 23, 2024

It is difficult to think about building or updating your website when your business is booming. You are so busy you are turning away clients! Why do you need to worry about having a professionally designed website? Well, if you think about your website as the hub of your marketing and messaging efforts there are some GREAT reasons to spend the time NOW to get your website professionally designed or updated so you can continue on your path of success.

You Have the Budget

Right now you are rocking your business, with a steady stream of clients comes a steady stream of income. This is the perfect time to invest in your website. A professionally designed, revenue generating website is an investment and many business owners wait until they are desperate for business to take a critical look at what needs to be done and then they are shocked by the price tag. By hiring the right web designer when you have room in your budget you can hire based on what you need and NOT based on who is the cheapest. 

Marketing Results Are Not Instant 

 Your website and any other marketing activities you participate in are not going to give you overnight results. Everything you do in the marketing of your business is planting a seed that will yield results down the road. If you wait until you need clients to consider a new or revamped site you are already late. By investing while you are busy you are planting the seeds and then down the road when you need it your state-of-the-art site is working for you. 

You are Prepared When Business Changes

Whether you have a drop-in business at some point or you are ready to scale and grow your website and marketing should be prepped and ready for those changes. As we mentioned before results do not come overnight, so if you need more clients for whatever reason you want to be ready with an amazing website that is ready to bring in revenue. 

People Want to Work with Successful People

Your website is truly the hub of all your marketing activities and the first point of contact for many potential customers. It is where you want all traffic to land so that you can showcase your work and expertise. If you have an amazing social media presence and then they land on a subpar website it is a bit of a disappointment. Potential clients do not know you are slammed with business when they first land on your website, and a website that is lacking can convey a message that is less than successful. Even if you cannot serve these clients now, you want them to leave with an amazing impression so that they want to be on your client roster. For other businesses, you could be who they are aspiring to hire and by conveying your success it will make them want to work with you all the more. 

It can be very easy to put your website on the backburner when you are busy, there is so much client work and seemingly more important things to be done. Your website should never be a low priority as it is the virtual storefront of  our business and for many the first impression they receive. Make sure you are conveying your offerings and your success so that the client stream continues to flow. 

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Danielle has over 30 years in Marketing, IT, and Network design, development, and workforce leadership training. She has helped hundreds of small businesses maximize extra revenue streams, and has created a process for extracting an ROI from an ROE in training and development which is currently being used in over 100+ corporations.

Danielle LaFleur


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